
2010.3.28 第3届冲绳国际电影节 举办决定!



2010.3.28 ALL ENDING [明年再相会]为期9天的电影的盛典落下了帷幕

2010.3.28 收到了连夺2冠的[KUROSAWA电影] 黒沢KAZUKO小姐的评语!

2010.3.28 Golden Shi-Sa-奖决定!电影节新的“KUROSAWA”诞生!!

2010.3.28 获奖作品发表!!

2010.3.23 Live broadcasting the Red Carpet in NICO NICO Douga(Animation Community Site)!

We live broadcast the Red Carpet which hold March 24(Wed.) 16:00 from NICO NICO Douga.
Please see the appearance that the star and cineasts from the inside and outside the country walk in a colorful red carpet in Live delivery.

■URL [start:March 24(Wed.) 16:00]

■Prearranged cast
Yuichi Kimura, The World Famous Nabeatsu, Takashi Okamura, Junichi Komoto(Jichokacho), Satoshi Kanada(Hannya), JARUJARU, Jun Murakami(Shizuru), Black Mayonnaise, Kazuko Kurosawa(Morisanchu), Gori(Garage Sale), Kendo Kobayashi, Tomonori Jinnai, Harisenbon, Daisuke Miyagawa, Rossy, Chisun, Meiken Ito, Oniyakko Tsubaki, Kinuyo Kodama

※The Red Carpet beginning time changed to 16:00.

※The broadcasting time might change by the status of the event progress.
※The cast might change by the status of the event progress.
※When the event is discontinued by the weather etc. , broadcasting is discontinued, too.

2010.3.22 Information about alteration of the Red Carpet beginning

The Red Carpet (March 24 ) beginning time changed.

The Red Carpet beginning:March 24(Wed.) 16:00~

2010.3.22 World Wide Laugh semifinal advancement 60 works decision!

60 videos on the theme of laugh and peace that people world wide can laugh in special page are being opened to the public on World Wide Laugh specially-installed page.


You can see the World Wide Laugh final nomination free.
Tickets, for today's showings only, may be obtained at the door.
The time tickets are made available may vary with the time of the showing.

■World Wide Laugh Semifinal 1
March 25(Thu.) 16:00~18:00 (at Theater 3)

■World Wide Laugh Semifinal 2
March 26(Fri.) 13:30~15:30 (at Theater 3)

■World Wide Laugh Final
March 27(Sat.) 16:00~18:00 (at Theater 3)
Jury:Itsuji Itao, Ellie Omiya, Chad Mullane and International student of each country
In Free Ticket Booth, the ticket of the World Wide Laugh event are distributed in the date.

2010.3.10 电影上映日程和演出活动的日程公布!



预定26日上映的电影「On His Majesty's Secret Service」的演员不能到场参加首映礼。敬请谅解。

2010.2.22 第2届冲绳国际电影节长篇电影作品的阵容已经公开!



2010.1.22 跨越媒体时代的新的表现形式!开始受理CF广告竞赛作品报名!



2010.1.8 刊登了来自冲绳国际电影节实行委员会以及各位海外电影节相关人士的讯息。



2010.1.5 动画投稿网站「NICONICO动画」和「国际NICONICO电影节 in 冲縄」合作企划,开始受理动画作品报名!

动画投稿网站「NICONICO动画」和「国际NICONICO电影节 in 冲縄」联手,开始募集以「欢笑」为主题的作品。期待各位的踊跃投稿!


2009.12.31 逗笑世界的人就可以得到100万日元的奖金! World Wide Laugh~作品募集开始!

我们期待以"欢笑&和平 "为主题制作的「让世界的人都会发笑的影片」的报名!
